Why Combatives – Tactical

Benefits & Purposes


Kali Three Dimensional International (K3D) places a heavy emphasis on Brain Training as much as the Physical.

After all, it is the brain that controls the body. To be an efficient fighter/ warrior one has to be not only physically well trained, but just as important mentally trained. Mental fitness has evolved with the same concepts & techniques we employ for physical fitness. Brain training has evolved to greatly improve our ability to comprehend information, remember for longer, to think & react faster & more accurately. Our brain responds best with confronting challenging activities, so continually increasing the intensity of pressure, speed & other variables results in optimum learning & performance. Some of the major benefits are:

Response Time – the speed at which you perceive and appropriately respond to an action.

Processing Speed – the ability to translate information from one form into another more useful form.

Co-ordination – the level of sensitivity with which two or more functions of our brain and/or parts of our body are synchronized (e.g. hand-eye co-ordination).

Fluid Intelligence – the ability to learn new things or solve problems in new situations.

Focus & Attention – the ability to maintain your concentration on a task for lengthy periods of time.

Divided Attention – the ability to successfully pay attention to more than one thing at a time.

Divided Execution – the ability to successfully apply different actions to more than one thing at a time.

Mental Agility – the ability to redirect attention between different tasks while maintaining good performance levels.

Awareness – the ability to perceive events, objects or sensory patterns with some level of quality.

Sequencing – the ability to order ideas and/or objects in your mind.

Cross Lateral Training: 

K3D teaches you how to function from “open, crossed & closed frame positions, utilising either hand or foot simultaneously in any direction, even when your hands or feet are crossed in opposing hemispheres. The brain consists of two halves or hemispheres, one of which is usually said to be dominant over the other. This results in developing a preference for carrying out certain skills such as weapon & hand striking or kicking using the limbs on one side of the body. The majority of people in the world are predominately right handed only. Cross lateral means that a person is right-handed and left-footed, or left-handed and right-footed. Being able to function on both sides of our body makes you ambidextrous, functioning on both sides in opposing brain hemispheres creates an even more functional form of reverse ambidexterity. This method of training is linked to improved brain coordination and better all round functional performance.

Peripheral Vision: 

K3D students learn to use mid brain (reflexive) not relying on Focal brain where we process our thoughts. Peripheral vision’s main purpose is that it detects movements so we can learn how to instinctively react, not having to directly look at the attack or strike. By trying to look directly at every single attack will slow you down by your brain trying to analyze & process what is happening. Especially against a blade, it can cause serious problems if one is purely task fixated (tunnel vision) on that blade & not monitoring the attackers other limbs, head etc. It is an effective way that teaches one to become unconsciously competent.

Unconscious Competency: 

K3D has the ability to employ a 5th learning stage: “Conscious Competence of Unconscious Competence”, which describes a person’s ability to recognize and develop unconscious incompetence in others. A separate skill set altogether, far outside of an extension of the unconscious competence stage of any particular skill. K3D utilises many varieties of training to progress a student through the 4 learning stages to become Unconsciously Competent.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): 

K3D utilises principles of NLP to control, dictate & survive in certain scenarios.